Wednesday, April 16


8:00 AM – 9:00 AM        

Opening Plenary Session

1)  Welcome and Opening Remarks

Moderator: Brian Walsh, Washington State DOT


·         Gene Russell, Emeritus Professor, Kansas State University, Welcome and Remarks from the TRB Roundabout Committee

·         Mike Griffith, Federal Highway Administration Office of Safety, Washington, DC, Welcome and Remarks from Federal Highway Administration

·         Linea Laird, Chief Engineer, Washington State DOT, Welcome and Remarks from Washington State DOT


Poster Session 1


·         Rahmi Akcelik, Akcelik & Associates, Modeling Queue Spillback and Upstream Signal Effects in a Roundabout Corridor

Akcelik Paper

·         Lee Rodegerdts, Kittelson & Associates, Inc., Status of Roundabouts in North America

·         Ellen Poling, Fehr & Peers, Does it Fit? Considering the Roundabout in a Campus Setting

·         N. Nezamuddin, Valparaiso University, Feasibility Study of a Multilane Roundabout in Valparaiso, Indiana

·         Craig Lyon, Persaud and Lyon Inc., A Model for Average Speed Estimation and Crash Prediction Using Design Vehicle Path Data

Lyon Paper

·         Katsunori Fujioka, Oriental Consultants Co.,Ltd., An Innovative Example of Roundabout Implementation in Iida City, Japan

·         Mark Lenters, GHD Inc., Capacity Effects of Converting Rotaries to Roundabouts

·         Paul Chan, Traffic Solutions Consulting Ltd., Research on Roundabout Applications on Various Transportation Systems in Multiple Cities and Countries


Poster Session 2


·         Nan Kang, Nagoya University, Japan, Estimation of roundabout entry capacity considering the impact of pedestrians

·         Haizhong Wang, Oregon State University, Roundabout Capacity Models: From Deterministic to Stochastic

·         Dan Dovey, King County DOT, Washington, Radial or Offset Left Entries – What Really Controls Speed?

·         Hideki Tatematsu, Oriental Consultants Co., LTD, Analysis of Eye-mark Recorder Data Collected at Towacho Roundabout in Iida City

·         Hillary Isebrands, Federal Highway Administration, The True Story of Roundabouts with High Speed Approaches

·         Christoff Krogscheepers, ITS Engineers, The Development of a Roundabout Policy for the Western Cape Government, South Africa

·         Zachary Bugg, Kittelson & Associates, Inc., A Methodology to Compute Roundabout Corridor Travel Time

·         Mike Hawkins, Fehr & Peers, Using the Versatility of VISSIM to Model the Versatility of Roundabouts

·         Troy Pankratz, GHD Inc., Design Considerations for 5 and 6 leg Roundabouts

·         Rob Livingston, Transoft Solutions Inc., Study of Roundabout Grading to Accommodate Lowboys Using Computer Modelling


9:45 AM – 11:30 AM

Breakout Sessions

2A)  Driver and Other User Behavior Relationship to Capacity/Safety

Moderator: Kelli Owen, Reid Middleton


·         Michael Hunter, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Roundabout Model Calibration

·         Kun Zhang, DPTI, Government of South Australia, An Innovative Dual Roundabout - Design Drives Behaviour Change

Zhang Paper

·         Nathan Belz, University of Alaska – Fairbanks, Cellular Automata and the Influence of Driver Behavior at Roundabouts

·         Hiroyuki Kageyama, Civil Engineering Research Institute, Japan, Driving Behavior Analysis at Roundabouts under Snowy and Dry Road Conditions

Kageyama Paper


2B)  Evaluation Elements of Roundabout Intersection Choices

Moderator:  Jerry Champa, California DOT


·         Michelle Stevens, Felsburg Holt & Ullevig, Blending a Roundabout into an Art District in Lakewood, Colorado

Stevens Paper

·         Koji Suzuki, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan, Subjective Evaluation for Driving Conditions at Roundabout by Before-After Analysis

Suzuki Paper

·         Alek Pochowski, Kittelson & Associates, Inc., Intersection Control Evaluation Implementation


2C)  Metering and Other Operational Considerations for Roundabouts

Moderator: Ken Sides, City of Clearwater, Florida


·         Bastian Schroeder, ITRE at N.C. State University, SuperCircles: Using a Part-Time Entry Signal to Create All-Day Operational and Safety Benefits at Intersections

·         L.G.H. (Bertus) Fortuijn, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, Robustness of Roundabout Metering Systems (RMS)

Fortuijn Paper

·         A. Maria Salomons, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, Optimizing the Traffic Control of Signalized Turbo Circles

·         Bill Baranowski, RoundaboutsUSA, Roundabouts Located Near Traffic Signals

Baranowski Paper



1:00 PM – 2:45 PM

Breakout Sessions

3A)  Constructing Roundabouts, Work Zone Design and the Use of Temporary Roundabouts

Moderator: Scott Zehngraff, Georgia DOT                                                                  


·         Kevin House, Parametrix, Inc., Lessons in Scripting the Construction Sequencing Dance

·         Jennifer Atkinson, Leidos, Temporary Traffic Control for Building and Maintaining Single and Multi-Lane Roundabouts

·         Nathan Beauheim, City of Cheyenne, Wyoming, Constructing the Pershing / Converse / 19th Roundabout in the Middle of Cheyenne, Wyoming

·         Shane King, Olsson Associates, Temporary Roundabout in Work Zone

·         Jay VonAhsen, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., Recent Challenges with Modern Roundabout Construction

VonAhsen Paper


3B)  Unique Roundabout Applications - Case Studies PART 1

Moderator: Martina Wilkinson, Larimer County, Colorado


·         Daniel Spann, RPM Transportation Consultants, LLC, A Case Study of the Music Row Roundabout in Nashville, Tennessee

·         David A. Henkel, CHA Consulting, Inc., Heading Home - The Story of the US 31 Mega-Project

·         Alan Woodmansey, Federal Highway Administration, Montana Division (no audio), Montana's Roundabout Corridor: Convincing the Stakeholders and Ourselves

·         Christopher Tiesler, Kittelson & Associates, Inc., Gilberts Corner (US 50 / US 15) Roundabout Retrofit

·         Becky Bucar & Dan Wilkins, Town of Truckee, California, Policies, Planning and Strategies to Fund Roundabouts


3C)  Safety: From HSM and State Safety Summaries of North America to Context for Needed Illumination

Moderator: Alek Pochowski, Kittelson & Associates, Inc.


·         Clayton Rudy, McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd., Long-term Trends in Safety Performance at Roundabouts

·         Andrea Bill, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Ghazan Khan, California State University – Sacramento, Safety Evaluation of Wisconsin Roundabouts

·         Franklin Gbologah, Georgia Institute of Technology, Evaluation of Roundabout Illumination and Safety (not published)

·         Andrew Duerr, GHD Inc., Statewide Roundabout Implementation Using the HSM Implementation Plan as a


3:15 PM – 4:45 PM

Breakout Sessions

4A)  Truck Accommodations / Considerations at Roundabouts

Moderator: Daniel Spann, RPM Consultants


·         Amanda Ruksznis, Reid Middleton, Inc., Trucks and Roundabouts: Friends or Foes?

·         Scott Ritchie, Roundabouts & Traffic Engineering, Accommodating Trucks at Multi-Lane Roundabouts


4B)  Larger Policy, Planning, and Design Aspects of Roundabouts

Moderator: Jeanette Taylor, Jacobs


·         Phil Rust, City of San Diego, California, Greasing the Skids and Shifting into Overdrive

·         Michael MacDonald, Hatch Mott MacDonald, Development of the Canadian Roundabout Design Guide

·         Mark T. Johnson, MTJ Engineering, LLC, and Ken Sides, City of Clearwater, Florida, Implications of Modern Roundabouts for Communities and Roadway Planning Standards
Mark Johnson
Ken Sides

·         Frank Broen, Certified Roundabout Champions, Certified Roundabout Champions


4C)  Bicycle Design, Path Tendencies, and Accommodation of Vulnerable Users

Moderator:  Robin Lewis, City of Bend, Oregon


·         Rachel Price, Reid Middleton, Bike Lane Ends…Now What?

·         Hiroshi Kobayashi, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Japan, Experimental Validation of Appropriate Bicycle Traveling Method in Urban Roundabouts

·         Brad Shea, HDR Engineering, Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodation at Roundabouts

·         Colin Ridding, Mott MacDonald, Vulnerable Road Users at Roundabouts in the UK




Thursday, April 17


8:00 AM – 9:45 AM        

Breakout Sessions

5A)  Pedestrian Design, Accessibility, and Driver Yielding Studies in the U.S. and Other Countries

Moderator: Hillary Isebrands, Federal Highway Administration


·         Hidekatsu Hamaoka, Akita University, Japan, Comparison of the Head-Turning Behavior of Pedestrians in Japan

·         Janet M. Barlow, Accessible Design for the Blind, Roundabouts and Pedestrians who are Visually Impaired

·         Katy Salamati, ITRE at N.C. State University, A Cross-Cultural Study of Driver Yielding Behavior to Pedestrians at Roundabouts: An American-Portuguese Comparison


5B)  Agency Policy Development for Roundabouts

Moderator: Matthew Enders, Washington State DOT


·         Andy Boenau & Chris Tiesler, Timmons Group & Kittelson & Associates, Inc., Developing Statewide Roundabout Guidance in Virginia

·         Martin Hétu, WSP Canada Inc., Current Situation of Roundabouts in the Province of Quebec

·         Andrew Cibor, Ada County Highway District, Idaho, Countywide Roundabout Right-of-Way Preservation Plan

Cibor Paper

·         Justin Bansen & Frank Sullivan, Kittelson & Associates, Inc. & Florida DOT, Roundabouts in Florida: A 2014 Update

·         Brian Walsh, Washington State DOT, Washington State DOT's Roundabout Program - A Chronological Timeline of Successful Intersection Implementation




5C)  Modeling Capacity, Calibrating, Performance and Operational Evaluation of Roundabouts – Individual Intersections and Corridors

Moderator:  Doug McClanahan, Washington State DOT


·         Andrea Bill, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Operational Evaluation of Roundabouts at Ramp Terminals

·         Majed Al-Ghandour, North Carolina DOT, (Paper Only) Experimiental Analysis with a Scramble Large Volume of Pedestrians in Single-Lane Roundabout Slip Lane

·         Lee A. Rodegerdts, Kittelson & Associates, Inc., Overview of NCHRP 03-100: Evaluating Performance of Roundabouts in Corridors

·         Andrea Bill, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Comprehensive and Numerical Calibration Guideline for VISSIM Roundabout Models



10:00 AM – 11:45 AM

Guided Roundabout Tour – YOUTUBE VIDEO

Participants will visit two multi-lane roundabouts and one single lane roundabout in Bellevue and Issaquah, WA. The three roundabouts have many different design/operations innovations, including: bypasses, hybrid circulating lane configurations, teardrop shapes, internally illuminated bollards, full pedestrian and bike connectivity (including a regional trail connection), and different forms of central island landscaping to enhance visibility. Each of the three roundabouts has a unique history: the first WSDOT roundabout built, the last WSDOT roundabout built, and a local agency roundabout on a high volume arterial that included the removal of a traffic signal.


10:15 AM – 11:45 AM

Breakout Sessions

6A)  International Perspectives – Roundabout Intersections

Moderator: Andrew Paul, Massachusetts DOT


·         Werner Brilon, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, Roundabouts: A State of the Art in Germany

Brilon Paper

·         Keith Boddy, Nova Scotia Transportation & Infrastructure Renewal, Canada, Canadian Roundabouts - Practice Review

·         Hideki Nakamura, Nagoya University, Japan, The State of the Art of Roundabout Implementation in Japan

·         Howard McCulloch, NE Roundabouts, Status of Roundabouts in New York State


6B)  Micro-Simulation Studies on Existing Roundabouts – Calibration and Modeling 3D

Moderator: Will Britnell, Connecticut DOT


·         Sewa Ram, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India, Performance Indices for Roundabouts in Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions

·         Sean Riley & Matt Hamel, DLZ Corporation, Roundabout 3D Modeling

·         Amphone Soupharath, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc., Integrating RSAs and 3-D Visualization Tools to Enhance Roundabout Design Process


6C)  Accelerating Roundabout Implementation in the United States – FHWA TOPR 34

Moderator:  Jeff Shaw, Federal Highway Administration


·         Lee A. Rodegerdts, Kittelson & Associates, Inc., Reassessment of Roundabout Capacity Models for the Highway Capacity Manual

·         Katy Salamati & Nagui Rouphail, ITRE at N.C. State University, Assessment of the Environmental Characteristics of Roundabouts

·         Bastian Schroeder, ITRE at N.C. State University, Evaluation of Rectangular-Rapid-Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at Multilane Roundabouts

·         Hermanus J. Steyn, Kittelson & Associates, Inc., Safety - Fatal and Injury Crash Evaluation in the US



1:00 PM – 2:45 PM

Breakout Sessions

7A)  Turbo Roundabouts and Unconventional Geometry Roundabouts

Moderator:  Gene Russell, Kansas State University


·         Bill Baranowski, RoundaboutsUSA, Turbo Roundabout Design? - Redesign of Park City's 14 Year Old Deer Valley Roundabout

·         Tim Murphy, Delcan Corporation, The Turbo Roundabout, A First in Canada

·         Steven Chan, Transoft Solutions Inc., Design Vehicle's Influence to the Geometric Design of Turbo Roundabouts

Chan Paper

·         Tomaz Tollazzi, University of Maribor, Slovenia, Alternative Types of Roundabouts


7B)  Organizational Structure for Delivering Innovative Roundabouts

Moderator:  Chris Tiesler, Kittelson & Associates, Inc.


·         Dina Swires, Washington State DOT, A Region Traffic Engineer Perspective: Developing and Delivering Roundabout Intersections

·         Chris Damitio, Washington State DOT, Project Development, Public Input & Delivery from a Design and Construction Project Engineer Perspective

·         Kurt Stiles, Washington State DOT, Visual Communications (Design Visualization) During Project Development Stage

·         Brian Walsh, Washington State DOT, The Road to Sustain Success and Project Concurrence


7C)  Various Models/Tools that Support Roundabout Choice in Design, Environmental, and Network Arenas

Moderator:  Ahmed Aburahmah, City of San Diego, California


·         Antonio Pratelli, University of Pisa, Italy, and Gene Russell, Kansas State University, Unconventional Roundabout Geometry for Large Vehicles or Space Constraints

Pratelli Paper

·         Rahmi Akcelik, SIDRA SOLUTIONS, Recalibration of a Vehicle Power Model for Fuel and Emission Estimation and its Effect on Assessment of Alternative Intersection Treatments

Akcelik Paper

·         Kazunori Munehiro, CERI, Japan, Driving Behavior and Travel Path of Semi-Trailer on Roundabout

·         Sepideh Eshragh, Iowa State University, Network Performance Improvement During Hurricane Evacuation Using Roundabouts



3:15 PM – 4:45 PM

Breakout Sessions

8A)  Mini-Roundabouts

Moderator:  Colin Ridding, Mott MacDonald


·         Michael A. Gingrich Sr., Alternative Intersection Control, Origins, Applications, and Examples of Double Mini Roundabouts

·         Wei Zhang, Federal Highway Administration, Mini-roundabout Case Studies

Zhang Paper

·         Scott Ritchie, Roundabouts & Traffic Engineering, FHWA Mini Roundabout Study

·         Marko Rencelj, University of Maribor, Slovenia, Slovenian Experiences with Mini Roundabouts and Assembled Roundabouts

Rencelj Paper


8B)  Unique Roundabout Applications – Case Studies PART 2

Moderator:  Kirk Spaulding, Sanderson Stewart


·         Joseph C. Balskus, Tighe & Bond, and Will Britnell, Connecticut DOT, Modern Roundabouts in CT - An Engineering Journey

·         Tatsuo Takase, Shinshu University, Japan, Report on Pilot Project of Roundabout in Karuizawa Roppontsuji

·         Kenneth Voigt, Ayres Associates, Challenges of Constructing Cheyenne's First Dual Lane Five-Leg RoundaboutVoigt Paper


8C)  Design Checks and Validation

Moderator:  Tom Blust, Oakland County Road Commission, Michigan


·         Patrick McGrady, Reid Middleton, Roundabout Relationships: Validating Your Design

·         Michael J. Wallwork, Alternate Street Design, PA, Improving Roundabout Designs

Wallwork Paper

·         Mark Lenters, GHD Inc., Geometric Design Heuristics for Modern Roundabouts (not published)





Friday, April 18



8:00 AM – 9:30 AM        

Breakout Sessions


9A)  Citizen Activism, Engineering Outreach, and Elected Official Perspectives

Moderator:  Craig Parks, America Structurepoint


·         Jeannette Taylor, Jacobs Engineering, Built It and They Will Come - Woodinville Tourist District Roundabouts

·         Rod Warner, US41Momentum, Getting to "Want-It-NOW!" from "No-Way"

·         Joseph T. "Jody" Short, Lee Engineering, An Elected Official's Experience with Roundabouts

·         Robert Dell-Ross, City of Roswell, Georgia, Lessons Learned from Roswell's First Modern Roundabout

Making of a Roundabout (no audio)


9B)  Evolution of Roundabout Practice in the United States – A Conversational Panel with Audience Participation

Moderator:  Brian Walsh, Washington State DOT


·         Edward Myers, Kittelson & Associates, Inc.

·         Ken Sides, City of Clearwater, Florida

·         Howard McCulloch, NE Roundabouts

·         Jeff Shaw, Federal Highway Administration


9C)  Design Concepts: Sidepaths, Adding More Legs to Roundabout, Flared Entries, and Pedestrian Design Checks

Moderator:  Dan Dovey, King County, Washington


·         Patrick Fleming, Wisconsin DOT, Shared Use Paths & Roundabout Sidepaths

·         Mark T. Johnson, MTJ Engineering, LLC, Effective Lane Utilization with Flared Entry Design

·         Troy Pankratz, GHD Inc., Design Considerations for 5 and 6 Leg Roundabouts


9:45 AM – 11:00 AM

Breakout Sessions

10A)  Complexities of Multi-Lane Roundabouts and Safety

Moderator:  Nathan Belz, University of Alaska – Fairbanks


·         Andrew Plowman, WSB & Associates, Inc., Safety Performances of Multi-Lane Roundabouts

·         Hillary Isebrands, Federal Highway Administration, The Multi-lane Roundabout PDO Dilemma

·         Mark T. Johnson, MTJ Engineering, LLC, Optimizing Roundabout Safety and Operations

·         Sam Bobko, Hatch Mott MacDonald, The Roundabout Was Supposed to Reduce Crashes. What Happened?


10B)  Unique Roundabout Applications – Case Studies PART 3

Moderator:  Lee Stuart, American Traffic Safety Services Association


·         Phil Weber, GHD Inc., Freeway Termination Roundabouts

·         Pete Jenior, Kittelson & Associates, Inc., Walnut Lane Traffic Circle Retrofit

Jenior Paper

·         Anne Sherwood, Halifax Regional Municipality, Canada, North Park Street Roundabouts: A Halifax Urban Challenge


10C)  Speed Management for Roundabouts

Moderator:  Andy Duerr, GHD, Inc.


·         John Denholm III, Lee Engineering, LLC, A Review of Speeds at Roundabouts in North Texas

Denholm Paper

·         Victor L. Salemann, Transportation Solutions Inc., Case Study of a Rural Roundabout

·         Stephan Kellner, WSP Canada Inc., High-Speed Roundabouts: Case Studies in Quebec


11:00 AM – 12:15 PM    

Closing Plenary Session

11)  Town Hall Roundabout Forum YOUTUBE VIDEO

YOUTUBE: TRB Town Hall Forum Part 1

YOUTUBE: TRB Town Hall Forum Part 2