New Documents
Most of the documents on our Resources page are available for download in pdf file format .
To view and print the pdf files, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. 
New 2012 Documents
TEXAS DOT Transportation Planning Conference and the TRB Access Management Conference (2012)
Road Classification nd Access Management: What Authorities Need To Know
Presentation to IRF / SARF 2010 Conference Preserving Africa’s Road Network (2010)
A Review Of Access Management Practice Austroads (2003)
Access Management: A Key To Safety and Mobility (2009)
FDOT Guide for Analysis of Corridor Management Policies and Practices (2007)
Effective Strategies for Comprehensive Corridor Management (2004)
Model Regulations and Plan Amendments for Multimodal Transportation Districts (2004)
The Influence of Human Factors on Access Management Design
Freight Corridor Study Guidelines (2009)
Safety Benefits of Raised Medians and Pedestrian Refuge Areas (2010)
Safety Benefits of Walkways, Sidewalks, and Paved Shoulders (2010)
Alternative Intersections/Interchanges: Informational Report (AIIR) (2009)
Highway Design Handbook for Older Drivers and Pedestrians (2001)
IA DOT Access Management Guidebook for Major Arterial Intersections (2009)
Bluegrass Corridor Management Planning Handbook (2000)
Maine’s Best Practices for Development of Multi-Modal Corridor Management Plans (2007)
Design/Development Principles for Livable Suburban Arterial Roadways (2001)
NY5 Access Management Plan (2009)
Main Street as Highway (1999)
Intersection and Interchange Design Alternatives: A primer
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
Case Study Compendium (2010)
Retail Gas Properties and the Economics of Access (2010)
Pedestrian Master Plan (2006)
Access Connections on Opposite Sides of a Roadway (2008)
Profiles: Phil Demosthenes (2011)
Estimating the Impacts of Access Management Techniques: Final Results (2004)
Crashes in The Vicinity of Major Crossroads (2008)
Access Control Design on Highway Interchanges (2008)
Vermont Corridor Management Handbook (2005)
Comprehensive Evaluation of Wisconsin Roundabouts Volume 2: Traffic Safety (2011)
State of the Practice in Highway Access Management
FHWA Medians and Pedestrians Brochure
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) strongly encourages the use of raised medians (or refuge areas) in curbed sections of multi-lane roadways in urban and suburban areas, particularly in areas where there are mixtures of a significant number of pedestrians, high volumes of traffic (more than 12,000 vehicles per day) and intermediate or high travel speeds. This document expands on the FHWA guidance memo detailed here: can be ordered here.
Last Modified Date: 12/20/2010
More info at:

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2171 contains eight papers that explore acceleration and deceleration zones at traffic control intersections, using Global Positioning System data to model operating speed and deceleration on two-lane rural roads, interchange treatments to preserve service life of narrow overpass and underpass roadways, parallel flow intersection and displaced left-turn intersection designs, offset improvements for left-turn lanes, public transit provisions in a state highway access management code, safety impacts of access management features in the Las Vegas, Nevada, Valley, and access management at major arterial intersections. Each article can be ordered for $25.00
Last Modified Date: 12/ 01/2010
Link to documents
A Guidebook for the Geometric Design of Driveways
TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 659: Guide for the Geometric Design of Driveways explores guidelines related to the geometric design of driveways. The report includes driveway-related terms and definitions, and examination of basic geometric controls, a summary of access spacing principles, and detailed discussions of various geometric design elements.

Material related to and supporting the contents of NCHRP Report 659, including an extensive review of literature, has been published as NCHRP Web-Only Document 151: Geometric Design of Driveways.
Last Modified Date: 8/9/2010

A Guidebook for Corridor-Based Statewide Transportation Planning
TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 661: A Guidebook for Corridor-Based Statewide Transportation Planning explores a template for corridor planning designed to help states to better understand the implications of transportation decisions on mobility, communities, economic development, and environmental stewardship.
Last Modified Date: 7/17/2010 |

Guide for Analysis of Corridor Management Policies and Practices
This guide includes a work plan for assessing local government land development and access management practices. It also addresses how to prepare a conceptual plan for implementing corridor management at the local level. The objective of this guide is to help state transportation agencies and local governments identify and overcome barriers to effective corridor access management in the land development process. It is also intended to strengthen state and local coordination in access and development permitting. |
Kristine Williams, CUTR
Click here to view .pdf report (May 2007)
Interstate I-394 Business Impact Study
This study attempts to capture the economic climate along the corridor both before and after conversion to a freeway. A variety of macro and micro level indicators were used to take snapshots of the corridor’s economic health both before and after freeway conversion.
Click here to view .pdf report (June 2007)
In Section 2.4 some of conclusions were:
- The economic impacts (mainly involving land development and business sales) of
transportation projects have not been researched as extensively as the safety and operational
- The business impacts studies that have been performed in states such as Florida, Iowa,
Kansas, and Texas have similarly concluded that businesspersons’ perceptions of the
impacts of changes in access on their companies are almost always worse than the actual
impacts as measured after the fact.
- Before and after studies of transportation projects involving changes in access indicate that
such projects do not lead to significant increases in business failure rates.
- Research also indicates that businesses along and near access-managed corridors do not
suffer inordinate retail sales losses. In fact, businesses along newly access-managed
corridors in Iowa actually outperformed other businesses in their communities in terms of
sales growth.
- Literature on the impacts of transportation accessibility on land values suggests that such
impacts would be very difficult to demonstrate either in a positive or negative direction.
Variables such as parcel size and the overall location of the parcel would appear to matter
Direct link to MnDOT Report
Prepared by CH2M HILL and CTRE for MnDOT
The "must have" book for every transportation engineer and planner.
Transportation Research Board's Access Management Manual provides technical information on access management techniques, together with information on how access management programs can be effectively developed and administered. It presents access management comprehensively, in an effort to integrate planning and engineering practices with the transportation and land use decisions that contribute to access outcomes.
Click here for more information about the TRB Access Management Manual. |
Animation describing Access Management Principles
Download the animation from this home page to use in your Powerpoint Presentation! The stand-alone executable file can be also run as a separate program.
Links to Access Management Materials from across the country click here |
Median Intersection Design
for Rural High-Speed
Divided Highways
5/18/2010 TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 650: describes common safety issues at median intersections on rural divided
highways and presents innovative geometric and operational treatments for addressing
those issues. Ten case studies illustrate how they have been applied in the field.
NCHRP Report 548
A Guidebook for Including Access Management in Transportation Planning 12/23/2005 TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 548: A Guidebook for Including Access Management in Transportation Planning offers guidance for implementing access management through the transportation planning process.
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Access Rights
11/30/2005 TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 351 examines issues involved in acquiring access rights along roadways other than freeways. The report documents the state of the practice with the intent to limit the amount of access to the roadway for the purpose of managing highway safety and mobility. The report documents successful practices and current policies, legal and real estate literature, and other publications that address this subject.
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The Access Management DVD Library contains a wealth of access management documents and resources. Proceedings are included from each national access management conference, as well as the leading handbooks from around the country.
You may obtain free copies of the DVD Library by contacting Neil Spiller at or for more information about the disc, please contact Frank Broen at
Click here to view Video Tour of the 2004 DVD. |
Highlights from the Access Management DVD Library 2007 include:
Contents of DVD Library
7th National Conference Proceedings |
1st 6th National Conference Proceedings |
74 AV Presentations |
8 NCHRP Reports |
FHWA VIdeo "Safe Access is Good for Business" |
Video Tour |
Library Tour |
Search Index for Acrobat 5, 6, 7 |
Excel Menus |
Total Documents |
500+ |
Total Pages |
>28,000 |
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NCHRP Reports
NCHRP Reports and Synthesis documents about access management
NCHRP Synthesis 304 Driveway Regulation Practices (2002)
NCHRP Synthesis 332 Access Management on Crossroads in the Vicinity of Interchanges (2004)
NCHRP Synthesis 337 Cooperative Agreements for Corridor Management (2004)
NCHRP Report 348 Access Management Guidelines for Activity Centers (1992)
NCHRP Synthesis 351 Access Rights, A Synthesis of Highway Practice (2005)
NCHRP Report 395 Capacity and Operation Effect of Midblock Left Turns (1997)
NCHRP Report 420 Impacts of Access Management Techniques. (1999)
NCHRP Report 504 Design Speed, Operating Speed, and Posted Speed Practices (2003)
NCHRP Report 524 Safety of U-Turns at Unsignalized Median Openings (2004)
NCHRP Report 548 A Guidebook for Including Access Management in Transportation Planning (2005) 
NCHRP Report 640: Median Intersection Design
for Rural High-Speed
Divided Highways (2010) 
Transportation Research Circular 456 Driveway and Street Intersection Spacing (1996) 
NCHRP Synthesis 299 Recent Geometric Design Research for Improved Safety and Operations (2001) 
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National Access Management Conference Proceedings (1993-2006)
1993 - 1rst National Conference Vail Colorado (large file 26.5 MB) 
1996 - 2nd National Conference Vail, Colorado (large file 12.9 MB)
1998 - 3rd National Conference Ft. Lauderdale, Florida(large file 37.8 MB)
2000 - 4th National Conference Portland, Oregon (large file 24.4 MB)
2002 - 5th National Conference Austin, Texas (large file 12.7 MB) 
2004 - 6th National Conference Kansas City, Missouri On-line Presentations
2006 - 7th National Conference Park City, Utah On-line Presentations
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Selected Documents
Selected Access Management Papers
History of Access Management - (44 KB)
Economic Impacts of Access Management - (33 KB) 
Public Information Meetings for Access Management (Top Ten Complaints) 
On-line Presentation
Oregon Access Management Research Papers (
Effective Strategies for Comprehensive Corridor Management 
(the complete ESCCM 20 MB document with appendices is found at
Assess the Need for Implementing an Access Management Program (19 MB)
"The Case for Access Management" John Heilman (
Selected Research Reports
Land Development and Access Management Strategies for Interchange Areas -(14.7 MB)
Best Practices in Local Corridor Preservation - (373 KB) 
BD545-14, Development of Guidelines for Driveway Location and Median Configuration in the Vicinity of Interchanges (2006)
Summary: FDOT_BD545_14.pdf (30 KB) 
Final Report: FDOT_BD545_14_rpt.pdf (1.8 MB) 
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Guides and Handbooks
NEW 2012 Virginia Access Management Design Standards 2012 (3.4MB) 
Access Managment Toolkit 2008 (3 MB) 
Prepaed by Community Planning Assocication of Southwest Idaho (COMPASS) using FTA Innovation in Safety and Security grant funding
Access Management (E. Humstone and J. Campoli, Planning Commissioners Journal)
Florida Median Handbook - (2.0 MB)
Florida Driveway Information Guide (Sep 2008)- (3MB)
Florida Landscape Guide - (3.4 MB)
Iowa Access Management Handbook (2.4 MB)
Iowa Access Management Toolkit (
Managing Corridor Development: A Municipal Handbook - (767 KB)
Michigan Access Management Guidebook for Local Governments - (12.1 MB)
Minnesota Access Management Manual
Public Involvement Handbook for Median Projects - (466 KB)
Site Impact Handbook (FL, FDOT) - (4.0 MB)
NEW! South Carolina Access & Roadside Management Standards (2008) 
Reinventing America's Suburban Strips (ULI) - (1.0 MB)
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Driveway Resources
Driveway Information Guide (FL - 2008) 
Regulations for Driveway and Encroachment Control (GA - 2004) 
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Codes and Programs
Colorado - 2002 (327 KB)
Florida (
New Jersey (
Oregon (
Pennsylvania - Development of Model Access Management Ordinances
State of the Practice for Access Management 
Best Practices in Access Management 
Identification of Legislative and Policy Barriers 
South Dakota (
Texas - (946 KB) 
NEW 2012 Virginia Access Management Regulations 2012 (306 KB) 
Model Access Management Regulations (FL) - (679 KB)
Model Access Management Regulations (KY) - (251 KB) 
Model Plan Amendments and Regulations for Multimodal Transportation (FL) 
Model Access Management Regulations (MI)
(see Michigan Handbook Appendices --GuidebookMI appx.pdf ) (5.6 MB) 
Martin County (FL) - (129 KB) 
US Highway 19 Overlay District (FL) - (122 KB) 
Highway 60 Access & Design (Arkansas) (480 KB) 
Model Corridor Preservation Plan Amendments (FL) - (16 KB) 
Model Corridor Preservation Code (FL) - (44 KB) 
Model Overlay Ordanance (Minnesota) -
Victoria, Australia Draft Access Management Policy
South Africa Draft Access Management Guidelines - (182 KB) 
British Columbia Corridor Access Management Guide - BC CM Handbook.pdf (130 KB) 
British Columbia Highway Permits & Approvals -
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Outreach Materials
Safe Access is Good for Business Video | Primer | Request DVD
Ten Ways to Manage Roadway Access in Your Community (pdf) (243K)
FDOT Access Management Brochure (pdf) (354K)
FHWA Benefits of Access Management Brochure (pdf) (834K)
CUTR Netpresentation on Access Management at
Atlanta Regional Commission Access Management
Planning and Designing Access for Developments, British Columbia Manual (request Password)
Access Management Logos AMLogos (PowerPoint file 441K updated 1-1-2010)
Other Helpful Links
Publications, FHWA Operations (
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (
Safety Research, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (
CUTR Planning & Corridor Management Program (
CUTR Planning & Corridor Management Publications (
Check this out! Intersection Design/Micro-simulations (
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Last updated 1/11/13