
Conference Program
2004 Access Management Conference
Kansas City August 29 - September 1, 2004
Adobe Acrobat copies of Presentations and Papers can be found under the session. All presentations that have been submitted are linked below. Please contact the webmaster for any comments or suggestions. Last update 02/10/2005.
List of Attendees (Walk in registrations may be incomplete)
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Sunday, August 29th
1:00pm – 4:30pm WORKSHOP – TRB Access Management Manual
Please join the Principle Investigators, Dr. Vergil Stover and Ms. Kristine Williams, for this rare opportunity. Participants have the opportunity to interact directly with the authors of the TRB “Access Management” Manual to gain insights into the manual’s basis, content and application. All paid registrants to the conference will receive both hard copy and CD copy of the TRB manual, which will be required for this workshop.
5:00pm – 9:00pm OPENING RECEPTION –
Please join us for a kick-off reception that will include light hors d’oeuvres, cash bar, “play money” casino night, live music, raffles and auction. This is one of many chances to interact with fellow professionals from around the country and across the globe and share insights and experiences.
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Monday, August 30th
8:30am – 10:00am OPENING SESSION – This session will include general conference information, welcoming remarks from KDOT, MoDOT and FHWA.
10:00am – 10:30am POSTER SESSIONS
Darren Fortney, Wisconsin Corridor Planning “Thinking Beyond the Pavement”
Phil Demosthenes, Integrating Access Management and Roundabouts
Jim Dale, Two Way Left Turn Lane (TWLTL) Analysis
Administrative Track – Access Management Policy Research
Moderator – Phil Demosthenes, Parametrix Consulting
Access Management in Action: Policy versus Reality
- Sandra Gorman P.E., Kimley-Horn and Associates
Standard practice is to acquire 100 to 300 feet of limited access ROW at interchanges. Would acquiring more access control in the vicinity of interchanges preserve the safety and operations of an interchange and the freeway for a longer period, thereby reducing the need for interchange reconstruction? If so, will the up front cost of acquiring more access control, be outweighed by the benefits of not having to reconstruct the interchange sooner than planned? The Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR), under a grant from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), is examining these important policy questions.
PRESENTATION Animated Presentation with Narration NEW!
Access Management in the MPO Process
- Jeff Kramer, AICP
The Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR), as part of the NCHRP Project 8-46 research team, is responsible for identifying Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) and local transportation agencies that have successfully included access management into their transportation planning activities. This presentation and paper will provide an overview of CUTR’s research findings and highlight case examples demonstrating successful efforts to include access management into MPO and local agency transportation planning activities.
Access Management in Transportation/Corridor Planning
- David Hutchinson, Traffic Div., City of Springfield, MO
The presentation will consist of an overview of access management strategies and implementation of street and intersection projects that include access management strategies. The focus of the presentation will be the public involvement process of developing study recommendations and implementing access management strategies as a part of street and intersection improvement projects.
Technical Track – Alternative Dispute Resolution in Access Management
Moderator – Vicky Johnson, Kansas Department of Transportation
Patricia Watson of Watson Worklife Consulting will help host a discussion of mediation and other conflict resolution techniques. Audience participation is strongly encouraged and expert witness types and administrators that deal with litigation matters won’t want to miss this session.
Worshop Track – Impact Calculator from NCHRP Report 420: Impacts of Access Management Techniques
Moderator – Jerry Gluck, Urbitran Associates
The workshop will review the five analysis types for which the calculator computes impact measures: Signalized Analysis, Unsignalized-Safety Analysis, Unsignalized-Operations Analysis, Interchange Analysis, Economic and Impact Analysis (maximum economic effects resulting from median closures). With its capacity to quantify the effects of changes along a roadway, the software yields directly applicable results and provides a sound basis for access management decisions.
Administrative Track – Corridor Management Plans (Part I)
Moderator – Eddie Shafie, Earthtech
Tallahassee-Leon County Corridor Management Program
- Kristine Williams, AICP
In the Fall of 2000, the residents of Tallahassee-Leon County passed an extension of the one-cent sales tax for transportation improvements. In May of 2002, the Tallahassee-Leon County Blueprint 2000 Intergovernmental Agency initiated a project to develop a comprehensive corridor management program for the City of Tallahassee and Leon County. One goal of the project was to assure that adequate right-of-way will be preserved to accommodate future transportation needs as development occurs (corridor preservation). Another goal was to strengthen local access management policies and improve state/local coordination in access management on the community’s major transportation routes.
PRESENTATION PAPER Animated Presentation w Narration NEW!
FM 518 Corridor Access Management Plan
- Kurt Schulte, AICP
This corridor study is designed to provide short range and long range access management and traffic operational improvements for FM 518 from US 288 (in Brazoria County) to SH 146 (in Galveston County). This study will identify both policy and technical recommendations to H-GAC, League City, Friendswood, Pearland, Brazoria County, Galveston County, and the Texas Department of Transportation.
Access Management on Minnesota’s Inter-Regional Corridors - Howard Preston, CH2M-Hill
The Minnesota Department of Transportation has been planning and developing an extensive system of highways that interconnects high level trade centers around the state and that provides connections to national markets. As a part of this effort, MnDOT has developed AM standards and performance measures for the IRC system. Many of the IRC corridor plans include a strong access management component.
Technical Track – Emerging Technologies in Access Management
Moderator – Bill Frawley, TTI
Estimating The Impacts Of A.M. With Micro-Simulation
- William L. Eisele, Ph.D., P.E
This paper will describe the analysis of these corridors using the micro-simulation tool VISSIM when a raised median was installed where a two-way left-turn lane (TWLTL) was previously present. In addition, driveway consolidation and the use of left- and right-turn bays were also evaluated in the micro-simulation.
Access Determination Geographic Information System (ADGIS)
- Jon Schwichtenberg, Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.
The presentation will discuss the design, development and implementation of a Geographic Information System (GIS) for access management for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT). The system was developed to facilitate better decision making for all groups within WisDOT in regards to access from parcels of land to state controlled highways.
3D Stereo Imagery as a Tool for … Access Permit Management
- Joel Hearne, SimWright Inc
In February of 2000, FHWA issued a research topic under the Small Business Innovative Research program seeking innovative approaches to the driveway access permitting process. A prototype system has been developed that uses digital 3D stereo imagery to access underlying geospatial data related to permit analysis. The system also provides for automation of the application, approval, and database management for highway driveway access permits.
Workshop Track – Web Resources in Access Management
Moderator – Frank Broen, Teachamerica Corporation
Join Mr. Broen for an interactive workshop on the access management resources available on the internet. Frank is responsible for the proceedings for past access management conferences and has a great deal of experience in dealing with electronic resources. Your input will be requested about the CD-ROM and DVD 2 disc set produced for this conference. What materials would be most helpful to you? What current materials should be included?
2:30pm – 3:00pm POSTER SESSIONS
Kristine Williams/ Karen Seggerman, Tallahassee/Leon Co Corridor Management Plan
Joel Hearne, 3D Stereo Imagery for Access Permit Management
Bill Eisele/Jim Dale, Estimating Impacts of Access Management using Micro-simulation
Administrative Track – Access Management in Regional and Urban Planning
Moderator – Zoubir Ouadah, City of San Diego, California
A.M. Plan and Program for the Des Moines, Iowa Metropolitan Area
David Plazak, Iowa St. Univ. & Adam Garms, Planner Des Moines MPO
This paper describes a project involving a cooperative effort of the Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (DMAMPO) and the Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE) at Iowa State University to develop an access management study and program for the metro area. This project, begun in Summer 2003 and scheduled to be completed in the late Spring of 2004, is being designed and documented so as to be replicable in the other metropolitan areas in Iowa. Other metropolitan areas with high proportions of the statewide total of access-related crashes are: Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Iowa City, Ames, Council Bluffs, Sioux City, and Dubuque.
PRESENTATION PAPER Animated Presentation with Narration NEW!
The Challenge of Access Management Retrofit: Theory versus Reality
- Jerry Gluck, Urbitran Associates
This presentation will update the one given at the Fifth National Conference and discuss the issues encountered in developing a retrofit project for a densely developed area with numerous, high-volume shopping centers. The area that was analyzed involved New York State Route 27 (NY27), a principal arterial, in suburban Long Island. The presentation will review the operational and safety problems, the theoretical access arrangements that could mitigate the problems, and the improvement plan that is being progressed based on feedback from elected officials and the general public.
PRESENTATION PAPER Animated Presentation with Narration NEW!
Rural Trans. Planning: How to Effectively Implement an A.M. Study
- Stephen Aldrich, PE, PTOE, Vanesse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
Transportation planning experience shows that the neglected rural arterials of today become the over-developed suburban arterials of the future. Anticipation of transportation needs and wants of others, with an in-depth appraisal of their present highway system, helps identify how one can manage long-term growth and ensure safe and efficient transportation solutions. The U.S. Route13/Wallops Island Access Management Study, undertaken by the Virginia Department of Transportation, is a successful example of such a project.
Technical Track – Valuation of Access
Moderator – John Strahan, Chair, TRB Eminent Dom./Land Use
Join us for this panel discussion of valuation experts on consideration of access management in land value. Local appraisers such as Robin Marx and David Craig will share their insights on how appraisers, developers and tenants view access in determining land value. Learn how your decisions as a transportation or land use professional effect value and development of property..
Workshop Track – A.D.A. In Access Management
Moderator – Kathy Facer, Federal Highway Administration
This workshop/panel discussion is designed for maximum audience participation. Our distinguished panelists include: Scott Windley from the U.S. Access Board in Washington DC; Jim deJong from Great Plains Disadvantaged Technical Assistance Center in Columbia, Mo. and Barbara McMillen, FHWA Washington DC. This is an opportunity to gain knowledge and experience on A.D.A. requirements for the design of access points, intersections, and the reasonable accommodation for disabled users. Our panelists have experience with the disabled and visually impaired, as well as, bicycle/pedestrian accommodations.
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Tuesday, August 31st
Administrative Track – Intergovernmental Agreements In A.M.
Moderator – Kristine Williams, AICP, University of South Florida
Benefits/Costs of Access Control near Interchanges
- Waddah Farrah, FDOT and Larry Hagen CUTR
Standard practice is to acquire 100 to 300 feet of limited-access ROW at interchanges. Would acquiring more access control in the vicinity of interchanges preserve the safety and operations of an interchange and the freeway for a longer period, thereby reducing the need for interchange reconstruction? If so, will the up front cost of acquiring more access control be outweighed by the benefits of not having to reconstruct the interchange sooner than planned?.
PRESENTATION updated 10/27/04 Paper updated 10/27/04
Texas DOT Involvement With Local Jurisdictions on A.M.
- Edwin N. Hard, AICP, Texas Transportation Institute
In Texas, development review has historically been the responsibility of local jurisdictions. Consequently, over the years, there has been only limited collaboration between local jurisdictions and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) concerning development activity along state roadways.
MPO Tripartite Agreements: … in Lafayette, Louisiana
- Michael Hollier, AICP, Lafayette Consolidated Government
The Lafayette “MPO Tripartite Agreement” is a comprehensive approach to major arterial improvements binding three levels of government to a common plan through separate distinctive sets and degrees of responsibility. The success of the program is measured in the final products: greater communication, consensus, coordination, cooperation, capacity, safety and design in both the public and private sectors.
Technical Track – Managing Access at Missouri’s Interchanges
Moderator – Mac Finley, Missouri Department of Transportation
Missouri’s Access Management Experience
Kathy Harvey, MoDOT and Jerry Mugg, HNTB
MoDOT is conducting a group of studies to determine future improvements to Interstate 70 between St. Louis and Kansas City. Addressing access within the functional boundary of interchanges is a key element of the project. The presentation will discuss the methods used to incorporate access techniques in cooperation with the stakeholders along the corridor.
PRESENTATION PAPER Animated Presentation with Narration NEW!
US 36 Value Engineering Study
- Tom Allen, MoDOT
In 2003, MoDOT adopted a new diamond interchange footprint that increases the required distance between the ramps and the first full movement intersection. This presentation will discuss the results of a value engineering study that assessed the fiscal impact of the new footprint on a proposed rural interchange.
Use of Microsimulation to Convey Access Management Techniques
- Mike Curtit, MoDOT and Jason Sommerer, MoDOT
MoDOT has utilized several microsimulation software packages to analyze the impacts of proposed designs, such as interchange footprint and outer road spacing. Traditionally, one of the most difficult aspects of a project has been providing a clear understanding of the final product to the public. The presentation will discuss the use of visual simulation models to convey access management techniques to the general public.
PRESENTATION PAPER Animated Presentation with Narration NEW!
Workshop Track – The Expert Witness in the Courtroom (Part I)
Moderator – Brad Stout, Attorney in Private Practice
Join Mr. Stout for a workshop designed to prepare the transportation and land use professional for his or her role in the litigation process. Materials will include familiarization with the major stages of litigation, the key participants in the process and your role as an expert. Discussion of discovery, production of documents, generation and production of expert reports and qualification as an expert will be included in this session.
10:00am – 10:30am POSTER SESSIONS
Scott Windley, U.S. Access Board, ADA Considerations
Jerry Gluck, Challenges of Access Management Retrofit
Vergil Stover/ Bill Frawley, Good Site Design
Administrative Track – Economic Impacts of Access Management
Moderator – David Plazak, Iowa State University
Developer Driven Access Management Case Study:…
- John Taber, Ph.D., PE
With the right economic incentives, developers will actually take it upon themseleves to develop highway corridors with good access management principals. Such incentives can include consolidation of parcel ownership, minimizing expensive intersection access points, joint access roadways, and rear collectors. A recent submission of development plans along US 40 in Heber, UT illustrates how this can happen and how it can happen in countless other areas around the country.
Land Value Impacts of Access Management Techniques
- Jamie Leudtke, Snyder and Associates Consultants
This research in progress presents the use of descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze the commercial land value impacts of access management practices in Polk County, Iowa. Polk County contains the metropolitan area of Des Moines and its surrounding suburbs. Study corridors were created in the study area if they were classified as urban arterial roadways with primarily commercial land uses. Both access controlled and non-controlled corridors were included in the study to determine the true land value influences of direct parcel access to roadways, and study corridors were paired by location to control for location effects on value.
Corridor Planning: Thinking Beyond the Pavement
- Darren Fortney, Short Elliot Hendrickson Incn
The Wisconsin DOT has initiated a corridor planning process aimed at long-term preservation of the state highway system and its function. Preserving the function of the state highway systems requires WisDOT to incorporate the "world" outside of the right-of-way in its decision making process. The process involves intensive work with local communities on issues that are normally beyond the scope of the traditional highway project process.
Technical Track – Access Management Technical Research
Moderator – Dane Ismart, Louis Berger Associates
New Analytical Tools for Safety Mngmnt of Urban and Sub. Arterials
- Doug Harwood, Midwest Research Institute
Two new analytical tools are under development to assist state and local highway agencies in safety management of urban and suburban arterials. These new tools are SafetyAnalyst, currently being developed for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) currently being developed for the Transportation Research Board (TRB). Both of these tools will be of direct assistance to highway agencies in planning and implementing access management projects.
Safety Effect of U-turns at Unsignalized Median Openings
- Ingrid Potts, Midwest Research Institute
Current research is being conducted for the National Cooperative Highway Research Program to determine the safety impact of U-turns at median openings and document the safety performance of median openings of various designs. This research involves the analysis of a wide variety of sites throughout the U.S. Key findings of this research will be presented in the paper and will be of direct assistance to highway agencies in planning and implementing access management projects.
PRESENTATION PAPER Animated Presentation with Narration NEW!
Raised Median and Driveway Density Crash Analysis:…
- William E. Frawley, AICP, Texas Transportation Institute
This paper and presentation describe the analysis of the crash reports and present crash analysis findings that relate to the safety impacts along the case study locations. The paper will describe analysis results and statistics related to different crash types before and after median installation. The analysis related to driveway density and crashes is also presented.
PRESENTATION Animated Presentation with Narration NEW!
Workshop Track – The Expert Witness in the Courtroom (Part II)
Moderator – Tim Orrick, Parkinson Foth & Orrick
This is a continuation of the earlier workshop and will encourage audience participation in mock depositions, direct testimony and cross examination. Some of the most common pitfalls and mistakes of expert witnesses will be discussed.
Administrative Track – Corridor Management Plans (Part II)
Moderator – Robert Ott, P.E., Kansas Dept. of Transportation
Wanamaker Road Study, Topeka, Kansas
- Mike Wahlstedt P.E., P.T.O.E., Transystems Corporation
The Wanamaker Road Corridor is the primary commercial center for the City of Topeka with over 4 million square feet of commercial space and a total land and building value of over 300 million dollars. The corridor has experienced substantial growth over the past 15 years. With it has come an increase in traffic, travel delays and accidents. While current traffic delays are generally within acceptable levels, except during peak shopping periods such as the Christmas season, there is still a significant amount of undeveloped land along the corridor, particularly in areas west of the corridor. As these areas develop, traffic volumes will increase and without improvements to the corridor, future daily traffic conditions are projected to become similar to the delays currently only experienced during the Christmas shopping season.
Route 190 Corridor Study
- Robert P. Jurasin, PE, Wilbur Smith Associates
Route 190 is an east-west arterial in the suburban communities of Enfield and Somers in northern Connecticut. The study evaluated traffic conditions and suggested improvements to assure future mobility and preserve the historic character of the four villages. Recommendations included traffic engineering, bicycle and pedestrian improvements.
Iowa Corridor Management Pilot Project
- David Plazak, Iowa State University
A recently completed research project sponsored by the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) identified a number of high priority commuting corridors for access management in Iowa. This project builds upon the results of that project, starting the process of implementation and developing a template for analysis that can be used across the state. The template will include model safety analysis techniques; land use planning analysis techniques; and intergovernmental agreements stakeholders.
Technical Track – Access Management Technical Research (Part II)
Moderator – Dane Ismart, Louis Berger Associates
Right-in / Right-out Only Driveways: Which way do we go?
- Steve Thieken, PE, Burgess & Niple
This research focused exclusively on right-in/right-out driveways where there is not a center median on the arterial to physically prevent left turns, where compliance is necessary to realize the benefits. Numerous characteristics that may impact compliance rates were identified through literature review and a qualitative review of seven existing RIRO driveway sites in Franklin County, Ohio. The findings point toward some site and design factors that may have a significant impact on the left-in violations.
Comparison of Three Traffic Simulation Packages
- Steven L. Jones, Jr., U. of Alabama
Not all traffic simulation packages are alike. They differ in their ease of use, accuracy and for the purposes of the current study, their overall effectiveness in stydying access management techniques. Three commercially available packages (CORSIM, SimTraffic and AIMSUN) are compared.
Capacity Concepts for Access Management
- Herb Levinson, Transportation Consultant
There is an important need for approaches that can quickly respond to changes in site plan and roadway configuration, both on the roadway and in the office. The paper presents several capacity concepts that respond to this need and that reflect the uncertainties and variations of future traffic estimates.
Workshop Track – Site Access Traffic Studies
Moderator – Gary Sokolow, Florida Dept. of Transportation
Join Gary Sokolow of the Florida DOT for a workshop on the development and review of site impact studies. These presenters have vast experience with developments of many different types and densities, in various surroundings, with the complexities of analyzing and assessing needed improvements.
PRESENTATION Animated Presentation with Narration NEW!
2:30pm – 3:00pm POSTER SESSIONS
Matt Riffkin/ Tim Boschert, Utah Public Involvement in AM & Lessons Learned
PAPER – Oliver Page, Equity Impacts – South Africa at the Crossroads
Administrative Track – Access Management Programs at the State Level
Moderator – Rick Laughlin, South Dakota Dept. of Transportation
TxDOT’s New Access Management Program:…
- William E. Frawley, AICP, Texas Transportation Institute
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is currently developing an access management program that will be implemented beginning January 1, 2004. This implementation follows several years of research and other activities that have made it possible for the program to become a reality.
Permitting for Access Management
- Clark D. Turberville, District Permits Engineer, Florida Dept. of Trans.
We have found great value in working with applicants in formalized “pre-application” meetings. We have data that indicates a high level of applicant satisfaction with our process. We believe that is translated as some measure of acceptance by the public of the access management concept. We have done customer surveys for seven or eight years to find out “how we’re doing” in the opinions of our customers. I would like to share our experience with an audience of people interested in access management and/or permitting.
Access Management and Public Involvement:…
- Matt Riffkin, InterPlan Co., Tim Boschert, Utah DOT
Concurrent with the development of a Statewide Access Management Program in Utah, an Environmental Assessment was completed for a proposed widening of 7 miles of arterial street and the construction of raised medians at all mid-block (non-signalized) access locations. All opposition to the project, which was initially very small but grew as construction impacts loomed, became focused on the issue of raised medians. Despite these challenges and through the use of consistent community outreach, a successful compromise was developed.
Technical Track – Developing in a Regulated World
Moderator – Bernie Shaner MAI, Shaner Appraisals This panel discussion will consistent of “private sector” interests explaining the other perspective on development, and the rising cost of doing business in a heavily regulated environment.
Workshop Track – Development of Access Management Outreach Materials
Moderator – Gary Sokolow
Development of effective, and easy to understand, materials to explain access management to a non-technical audience is extremely challenging. Join us in this workshop and exchange ideas and techniques for developing the “sure sell” products that will sell your project audience on the need for inclusion of access management as a critical project element.
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Wednesday, September 1st
Administrative Track – Access Management and Land Use
Moderator – Jamie Leudtke, Iowa State University
Wisconsin’s Administrative Ability to Manage Access
- Bonnie Tripoli, Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation
Wisconsin may be unique in its ability to manage access administratively on certain rural highways. The state has a statute that allows the Department Of Transportation to study a corridor, hold public hearings and then find, determine and declare the corridor as access controlled without having to compensate the adjacent property owners. There are caveats to the system but over all it is the favorite method within the department for handling access. Courts have upheld the process. As an area transitions from rural in character to suburban in nature, changes to the restrictions can be made easily, efficiently and inexpensively.
Wisconsin’s Law … Land Divisions Adjacent To State Highways
- Bonnie Tripoli, Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation
Wisconsin has long had a law on the books to review subdivisions that occur adjacent to state highways. Unfortunately subdivisions are only one of, and at that, not very frequently used methods of dividing land in the state. Basically a subdivision had to be used to divide land when 4 or more lots of 1.5 acres or less in size were being created in less than 5 years. Most land divisions in the state seem to occur one parcel at a time to avoid the subdivision regulations. Other methods used are deed, certified survey map, county plat and condominium plat. In 1999 the department was able to get the legislature to approve a revised version of the law that now allowed the department to review all those forms of land divisions.
Fargo/Moorhead TH 336 Corridor Management Plan
- Brian Shorten, SRF Consulting
IThis presentation will cover the background and details of a corridor management plan for a developing area on the fringe of the Fargo-Moorhead (Minnesota/North Dakota) metropolitan area. The plan includes effective ties to both metropolitan planning and local land use planning.
Technical Track – Innovative Analysis of Access
Moderator – Chris Ropps, P.E., HNTB
This session will highlight some innovative analysis methods for access from HNTB Corporation’s experiences in Kansas and Missouri. HNTB has worked for years in the field of access management and has undertaken unusual analyses in areas such as land use, traffic and travel time analysis, public involvement utilizing GIS, and micro and macro simulation. Joe Brand, Kip Strauss, Eric Seggerman and Michael Dement will make this a memorable session.
Workshop Track – Inquiring Minds Want to Know: Starting a State A.M. Program
Moderator – Jim Gattis, University of Arkansas
Panel members will discuss their experiences and insight into starting a state access management program and take questions from the audience. Several sessions include information about existing statewide access management programs, but how did they get there? Professor Gattis has recently conducted research into several state access management programs to determine how they were actually developed, what did successful (and unsuccessful) programs have in common, and what would the successful program managers do differently if they could? To anyone interested in developing a program in their own jurisdiction, this is one workshop you won’t want to miss.
10:30am – 12:00pm CLOSING SESSION – In addition to closing remarks, come participate in the always popular Access Management Jeopardy.
12:00pm ADJOURN
1:00 - 4:30pm TRB Access Management Committee Meeting
2 page summary update 13 page Program Plan Road Map 
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Access the Heartland Sponsors are:
- Transportation Research Board
- Kansas Department of Transportation
- Federal Highway Administration
- Midwest Transportation Consortium
- Missouri Department of Transportation