Research Opportunities
You can help the Access Management Committee advance research on access management in a variety of ways.
- The current access management committee research needs list is on this page. You can suggest other research that is needed.
- You can help us develop more detailed problem statements for the research needs. Problem statements are submitted to organizations such as TRB, FHWA, and AASHTO that fund transportation research.
- You can also click on the links to view the Research Needs Statements (the more times a statement is viewed, the more likely it is to be funded)
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Looking for a paper topic or a thesis topic on access management? Here's a list of topic ideas.
(Green highlight indicates NCHRP project that is ongoing or upcoming)
(Purple highlight indicates project in the TRB Research Needs Statement Database)
(Blue highlight indicates an entry in the TRB RNS Database is still needed and will be developed)
(No highlight indicates a topic for conference papers, presentations, workshops, or peer exchanges.)
* Topic was submitted by another TRB Committee
Access Management “Science” and Standards
Guidance for the Provision of Left-Turn Lanes (NCHRP) (funded NCHRP project) LINK TO RESEARCH NEEDS STATEMENT
Auxiliary right turn lane warrants (NCHRP)*
Interchange spacing implications and spacing standards (NCHRP)*
- Development and application of access management guidelines—where did standards come from and how are they applied? (NCHRP or FHWA project) LINK TO RESEARCH NEEDS STATEMENT
- Operational Impacts of Access Management, Relating access management to highway capacity, reliability, and mean travel speed (NCHRP) LINK TO RESEARCH NEEDS STATEMENT
- State of the practice of access management (Synthesis or FHWA project)
Various Impacts of Access Management
- Using crash databases and other geospatial data in access management analysis (Papers and/or Workshop at Conference)
- The role of access management in emergency planning and improved disaster evacuation (Papers)
- Minimizing Business and Development Impacts of Safety and Operational Project Treatments Along Urban Arterial Corridors (Synthesis) LINK TO RESEARCH NEEDS STATEMENT
- Access management metrics and performance measures; relationship of access management to asset management (Synthesis)
- Access management’s impacts on freight transport and logistics (Papers)
Access Management Outreach and Marketing
- Getting non-traditional stakeholders involved in advocating access management (e.g. law enforcement, health care, and insurance) (Papers)
- Using micro simulation techniques to analyze access management alternatives and communicate the benefits of access management to stakeholders (Papers and/or Workshop at Conference)
- Case studies where significant changes in access have been successfully implemented: examples such as total access control, major access rights purchases, cross access, signal removal, and raised medians. (How to get the “tough stuff” done). (Papers)
- Effectiveness of the TRB Access Management Manual (Papers and/or Workshop at the Conference)
- Expanded access management peer exchanges (Other)
(Green highlight indicates upcoming, funded NCHRP project)
(Purple highlight indicates project in the TRB Research Needs Statement Database)
(Blue highlight indicates an entry in the TRB RNS Database is needed)
(No highlight indicates a topic for conference papers, presentations, workshops, or peer exchanges.)
* Topic was submitted by another TRB Committee
Last updated 5/5/2010